Wednesday, November 14, 2012

my favorite Dairy-Free Butter/Margarine/Spread Replacements

Nucoa is my number one favorite for baking. It tastes decent, it's dairy free, it works for baking, it's inexpensive and widely available. The downside is that it's full of saturated fat (18% of your daily value in 1 TB). So, not ideal for morning toast. But for baking cookies, sauteing, and even making caramel--it works great.

Smart Balance Light is a good option that's available at many grocery stores. It's low on saturated fat and high on Omega-3's. The downside is that it doesn't taste very good. It's edible, just not delicious by any standard (a plain piece of toast with this slathered on top is less than appetizing).

Lately our everyday favorite is Blue Bonnet Light. Blue Bonnet Light is sold all over the place and it tastes good. The downside is that it doesn't contain as many "healthy fats" as, say Smart Balance. But hey, it tastes better. And how much of it do you really eat anyway, right?

photo credit:

Okay, and number one on my list for everyday spreading is Earth Balance Coconut Spread. Coconut oil does have quite a bit of saturated fat, but some recent research has shown that the medium chain fatty acids that compose the saturated fats in coconut are less harmful than the saturated fat from animals we consume (which makes sense to me). But to me, this spread tastes the most like actual butter than anything else I've tried and is especially good on toast, muffins, etc. The coconutty flavor throws me for a bit of a loop when I spread this on a potato, but that might just be me.

Organic Coconut Spreads
photo credit:

There are, of course, other options available. I've tried clarified butter (ghee), which is supposed to be okay for dairy allergies (since all of the proteins are theoretically removed). It's high in saturated fat and in my opinion, tastes strangely waxy. And there are other vegan options out there that I just haven't tried.

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