Thursday, April 25, 2013

simply the best gluten free pancakes. i promise!

There's just nothing like pancakes on a Saturday morning. And I really didn't want my little girl to miss out on that hot-off-the-griddle "butter"-smothered sticky mess that is pancakes--allergies or not! I guess I should add that in the past few months, her allergy to wheat has gotten worse and worse to the point where she really can't have any wheat it anymore>>>which is a major bummer.

But I'm finding it to be *almost* a fun challenge to figure out how to make normal foods with a bunch of very abnormal ingredients. With some trial and error (okay, lots of trial and error. does anyone want to know how many loaves of "bread" I've attempted this week? ha), my recipes are improving. 

Pancakes are requested enough at this house that my pancake recipe has gotten better and better... and although McDonald's pancakes might not be the at the top of everyone's best pancake list (should I admit that they are mine? ;), I think these pancakes almost taste like McDonald's... but then, I might just be crazy.

BUT, my husband will eat them. And that is saying a lot. Also, unlike some gluten-free recipes I've tried, these are perfectly edible after they have cooled to room temperature and sat in a baggie on the counter all morning and afternoon. I find myself nibbling on them all day :)

I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!


Ingredients for small, 2 serving batch (4 serving batch in parentheses)
1/2 c (1 c) white rice flour (or 1/4 c (1/2 c) white rice flour + 1/4 c (1/2 c) brown rice flour)
1/4 c (1/2 c) tapioca starch
1/4 c (1/2 c) potato starch
1TB (2 TB) sugar
1 (2) tsp baking powder
1/4 (1/2) tsp salt
1 TB (2 TB) powdered soymilk
1/4 (1/2) tsp xanthan gum
3/4 tsp (1 1/2 TB) Ener-G egg replacer (prepared in a separate dish with 1 TB (2 TB) hot water)
1TB (2 TB) vegetable oil
3/4 - 1 c (1 1/2 - 2 c) water, about room temperature
1 tsp (2 tsp) lemon juice


1. Preheat griddle/frying pan to medium or medium high heat (I found that in order to brown, these pancakes need to be cooked at a higher heat than your traditional pancake).
2. Mix dry ingredients (rice flour, tapioca starch, potato starch, sugar, baking powder, salt, powdered soymilk and xanthan gum) in a medium sized mixing bowl.
3. Add vegetable oil, egg replacer, and water to the dry ingredients. the amount of water you need will differ based on a lot of different factors (how finely the flour you buy is ground, the humidity where you live, whether your flour was recently sifted, etc). You want this batter to be quite thin. The best way to describe it might be a bit thinner than cake batter. Add 3/4 c (1 1/2 c) first, then if it seems too thick, add more. (You can always add more water, but you certainly can't take it a way) So experiment a little bit. It might take a few batches to figure out what your personal preference is when it comes to thickness of the batter.
4. Add lemon juice last, once all the other ingredients are mixed and you are ready to pour the batter.
5. Pour batter on griddle/pan and flip when bubbles begin to pop on the surface. Adjust heat as necessary to achieve desired browning on the pancakes.
(note--these pancakes brown more evenly if you don't grease the pan, and they usually don't stick too badly since they are gluten free :)

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